grid Module

This file contains a class that builds a Smolyak Grid. The hope is that it will eventually contain the interpolation routines necessary so that the given some data, this class can build a grid and use the Chebychev polynomials to interpolate and approximate the data.

Method based on Judd, Maliar, Maliar, Valero 2013 (W.P)



Judd, Kenneth L, Lilia Maliar, Serguei Maliar, and Rafael Valero. 2013.
“Smolyak Method for Solving Dynamic Economic Models: Lagrange Interpolation, Anisotropic Grid and Adaptive Domain”.
Krueger, Dirk, and Felix Kubler. 2004. “Computing Equilibrium in OLG
Models with Stochastic Production.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (7) (April): 1411-1436.
smolyak.grid.num_grid_points(d, mu)

Checks the number of grid points for a given d, mu combination.


d, mu : int

The parameters d and mu that specify the grid


num : int

The number of points that would be in a grid with params d, mu


This function is only defined for mu = 1, 2, or 3


Compute one plus the “total degree of the interpolating polynoimals” (Kruger & Kubler, 2004). This shows up many times in Smolyak’s algorithm. It is defined as:

\[\begin{split}m_i = \begin{cases} 1 \quad & \text{if } i = 1 \\ 2^{i-1} + 1 \quad & \text{if } i \geq 2 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

i : int

The integer i which the total degree should be evaluated


num : int

Return the value given by the expression above

smolyak.grid.cheby2n(x, n, kind=1.0)

Computes the first \(n+1\) Chebychev polynomials of the first kind evaluated at each point in \(x\) .


x : float or array(float)

A single point (float) or an array of points where each polynomial should be evaluated

n : int

The integer specifying which Chebychev polynomial is the last to be computed

kind : float, optional(default=1.0)

The “kind” of Chebychev polynomial to compute. Only accepts values 1 for first kind or 2 for second kind


results : array (float, ndim=x.ndim+1)

The results of computation. This will be an \((n+1 \times dim \dots)\) where \((dim \dots)\) is the shape of x. Each slice along the first dimension represents a new Chebychev polynomial. This dimension has length \(n+1\) because it includes \(\phi_0\) which is equal to 1 \(\forall x\)


Finds the set \(S_n\) , which is the \(n\) th Smolyak set of Chebychev extrema


n : int

The index \(n\) specifying which Smolyak set to compute


s_n : array (float, ndim=1)

An array containing all the Chebychev extrema in the set \(S_n\)


Finds all of the unidimensional disjoint sets of Chebychev extrema that are used to construct the grid. It improves on past algorithms by noting that \(A_{n} = S_{n}\) [evens] except for \(A_1 = \{0\}\) and \(A_2 = \{-1, 1\}\) . Additionally, \(A_{n} = A_{n+1}\) [odds] This prevents the calculation of these nodes repeatedly. Thus we only need to calculate biggest of the S_n’s to build the sequence of \(A_n\) ‘s


n : int

This is the number of disjoint sets from Sn that this should make


A_chain : dict (int -> list)

This is a dictionary of the disjoint sets that are made. They are indexed by the integer corresponding


For each number in 1 to n, compute the Smolyak indices for the corresponding basis functions. This is the \(n\) in \(\phi_n\)


n : int

The last Smolyak index \(n\) for which the basis polynomial indices should be found


aphi_chain : dict (int -> list)

A dictionary whose keys are the Smolyak index \(n\) and values are lists containing all basis polynomial subscripts for that Smolyak index

smolyak.grid.smol_inds(d, mu)

Finds all of the indices that satisfy the requirement that \(d \leq \sum_{i=1}^d \leq d + \mu\).


d : int

The number of dimensions in the grid

mu : int or array (int, ndim=1)

The parameter mu defining the density of the grid. If an array, there must be d elements and an anisotropic grid is formed


true_inds : array

A 1-d Any array containing all d element arrays satisfying the constraint


This function is used directly by build_grid and poly_inds

smolyak.grid.build_grid(d, mu, inds=None)

Use disjoint Smolyak sets to construct Smolyak grid of degree d and density parameter \(mu\)

The return value is an \(n \times d\) Array, where \(n\) is the number of points in the grid


d : int

The number of dimensions in the grid

mu : int

The density parameter for the grid

inds : list (list (int)), optional (default=None)

The Smolyak indices for parameters d and mu. Should be computed by calling smol_inds(d, mu). If None is given, the indices are computed using this function call


grid : array (float, ndim=2)

The Smolyak grid for the given d, \(mu\)

smolyak.grid.build_B(d, mu, pts, b_inds=None, deriv=False)

Compute the matrix B from equation 22 in JMMV 2013 Translation of dolo.numeric.interpolation.smolyak.SmolyakBasic


d : int

The number of dimensions on the grid

mu : int or array (int, ndim=1, legnth=d)

The mu parameter used to define grid

pts : array (float, dims=2)

Arbitrary d-dimensional points. Each row is assumed to be a new point. Often this is the smolyak grid returned by calling build_grid(d, mu)

b_inds : array (int, ndim=2)

The polynomial indices for parameters a given grid. These should be computed by calling poly_inds(d, mu).

deriv : bool

Whether or not to compute the values needed for the derivative matrix B_prime.


B : array (float, ndim=2)

The matrix B that represents the Smolyak polynomial corresponding to grid

B_Prime : array (float, ndim=3), optional (default=false)

This will be the 3 dimensional array representing the gradient of the Smolyak polynomial at each of the points. It is only returned when deriv=True

class smolyak.grid.SmolyakGrid(d, mu, lb=None, ub=None)

Bases: object

This class currently takes a dimension and a degree of polynomial and builds the Smolyak Sparse grid. We base this on the work by Judd, Maliar, Maliar, and Valero (2013).


d : int

The number of dimensions in the grid

mu : int or array(int, ndim=1, length=d)

The “density” parameter for the grid


>>> s = SmolyakGrid(3, 2)
>>> s
Smolyak Grid:
    d: 3
    mu: 2
    npoints: 25
    B: 0.65% non-zero
>>> ag = SmolyakGrid(3, [1, 2, 3])
>>> ag
Anisotropic Smolyak Grid:
    d: 3
    mu: 1 x 2 x 3
    npoints: 51
    B: 0.68% non-zero


d int This is the dimension of grid that you are building
mu int mu is a parameter that defines the fineness of grid that we want to build
lb array (float, ndim=2) This is an array of the lower bounds for each dimension
ub array (float, ndim=2) This is an array of the upper bounds for each dimension
cube_grid array (float, ndim=2) The Smolyak sparse grid on the domain \([-1, 1]^d\)
grid: array (float, ndim=2) The sparse grid, transformed to the user-specified bounds for the domain
inds list (list (int)) This is a lists of lists that contains all of the indices
B array (float, ndim=2) This is the B matrix that is used to do lagrange interpolation
B_L array (float, ndim=2) Lower triangle matrix of the decomposition of B
B_U array (float, ndim=2) Upper triangle matrix of the decomposition of B


cube2dom(pts) Takes a point(s) and transforms it(them) from domain [-1, 1]^d
dom2cube(pts) Takes a point(s) and transforms it(them) into the [-1, 1]^d domain
plot_grid() Beautifully plots the grid for the 2d and 3d cases

Takes a point(s) and transforms it(them) from domain [-1, 1]^d back into the desired domain


Takes a point(s) and transforms it(them) into the [-1, 1]^d domain


Beautifully plots the grid for the 2d and 3d cases

Parameters:None :
Returns:None :